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carol j. phipps | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Orchid Gallery tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Orchid Gallery

These orchids are grown by my friend, Amelia Debuseman. She grows them indoors.
They are situated on a sun porch which adds natural light. Also, Amelia uses plant lights to aide growth and health.

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A Time for Blooming! Heart of an Orchid. Red Shamrock (unique)
Red Shamrock.JPG A Unique Variety of Shamrock. Gold Digger Orchid with Watercolor filter.
Gold Digger PhalBroGirlPinkFestival. 012 Orchid Gallery.JPG 003 Orchid Gallery.JPG
010 Orchid Gallery.JPG 018 Orchid Gallery.JPG 033 Orchid Gallery Jewel.JPG
Orchid Gallery Calaminara Wildcat.JPG 013 Orchid Gallery Phal Brother Girl Pink.JPG 028 Orchid Gallery.JPG
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