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carol j. phipps | all galleries >> Galleries >> Autumn Colors At Home > Be a Sunbeam
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01-Nov-2022 Carol J Phipps

Be a Sunbeam

So thankful for sunbeams and these reminders.
(Be a sunbeam…shine for Jesus everyday….)

“Don't Just
Don't just learn, experience.
Don't just read, absorb.
Don't just change, transform.
Don't just relate, advocate.
Don't just promise, prove.
Don't just criticize, encourage.
Don't just think, ponder.
Don't just take, give.
Don't just see, feel.
Don’t just dream, do.
Don't just hear, listen.
Don't just talk, act.
Don't just tell, show.
Don't just exist, live.”
—Roy T. Bennett, “The Light in the Heart”

Apple iPhone 6S
1/2747s f/2.2 at 4.2mm iso25 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Buz Kiefer11-Nov-2022 03:48
Beautiful autumn colors and a nicely composed shot, Carol. V
Julie Oldfield04-Nov-2022 03:26
The beam of light pointing towards the trees is phenomenal. V
larose forest photos03-Nov-2022 20:50
This is autumn at its best! V
Fong Lam03-Nov-2022 11:01
That's a wonderful scene with gorgeous fall colors....V
Gill Kopy03-Nov-2022 04:09
What a lovely shot ! V
Apostolos Tikopoulos02-Nov-2022 19:17
Splendid autumn composition with those wonderful colors. V
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