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carol j. phipps | all galleries >> Galleries >> Autumn Colors At Home > A Resting Place
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17-Oct-2022 Carol J Phipps

A Resting Place

A bit numb and shocked after burying
My dear cat, Jenny Gray last evening. This
Is the view from her burial spot.
Rest In Peace Jenny!
April 2009 - October 2022

Apple iPhone 6S
1/120s f/2.2 at 4.2mm iso25 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Liz Bickel20-Oct-2022 02:51
My heart goes out to you, Carol. Jenny Gray was such an important part of your life. With her spirit now at the Rainbow Bridge, her earthly body lays at rest in a beautiful setting. May you find comfort from all the photos and the fond memories you have of your special girl. She gave you so much happiness. You were blessed to have had such a friend. Saying goodbye is the most difficult thing that all of us have to do when loving a pet. I believe in the Rainbow Bridge.
Julie Oldfield19-Oct-2022 23:10
I’m so sorry about Jenny. I know how devastating it is to lose a fur baby. The dancing tree is a lovely resting spot. V
Graeme19-Oct-2022 22:44
So sorry to hear that Jenny Gray has passed away, Carol...
Apostolos Tikopoulos19-Oct-2022 17:47
Nice shot and great perspective. V
larose forest photos19-Oct-2022 15:49
Oh, I am SO sorry to hear this. It is so difficult to say goodbye, and certainly your lovely Jenny Gray has graced your photos for a long time.
Allan Jay18-Oct-2022 20:28
Sorry to hear this. She at rest in a beautiful
joseantonio18-Oct-2022 14:46
lovely autumn colors.V.
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