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carol j. phipps | all galleries >> Galleries >> Autumn Colors At Home > Autumn at my Backdoor
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15-October-2022 Carol J Phipps

Autumn at my Backdoor

other sizes: small medium original auto
Jeff Real30-Oct-2022 17:48
This is really wonderful!
I love how you have put them all together here!
laine18-Oct-2022 06:05
How lovely it looks, Carol. V
waterfalls man18-Oct-2022 01:58
lovely V!!
Gill Kopy18-Oct-2022 00:01
Wow ! this makes such a lovely collage. V
Julie Oldfield17-Oct-2022 17:21
Terrific combination of radiant color. V
Guest 17-Oct-2022 13:13
A pretty group of your plants, Carol. "V"
Neil Marcus17-Oct-2022 13:13
A pretty group of your plants, Carol. "V"
joseantonio17-Oct-2022 12:10
nice presentation.V.
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