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Carol J Phipps

Wisteria - Song

WYSTERIA , by Dan Fogelberg

Wysteria, did you change your face again?
Those of us who loved you when can't even find you
Wysteria, did you lose another man?
Did you make him understand that he can't touch you?
Wysteria, did he take you to the fair?
Were the folks that you met there the same that we met?
Wysteria, did he teach you how to dance?
Did he bring you paper fans to hide your secret?
Was he just like all the rest when he got to the sad part?
Did he stay a bit too long to save his heart?

Read more: Dan Fogelberg - Wysteria Lyrics | MetroLyrics

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laine04-Jun-2019 22:17
Beautiful flower, colour and photograph. V
joseantonio30-May-2019 18:33
lovely captured and presented.V.
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