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carol j. phipps | all galleries >> Galleries >> Scavenger Hunt August 2018 > Wheel
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14-AUG-2018 Carol J Phipps


Canon PowerShot SX40 HS
1/60s f/4.5 at 29.3mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
LynnH27-Aug-2018 01:04
Like the gritty steel texture.
Mieke WA Minkjan24-Aug-2018 11:20
strong image of wheel V
larose forest photos23-Aug-2018 20:27
Really nice image, with great colour, texture, and the tight crop is perfect. V
Dennis Hoyne22-Aug-2018 18:37
A fine shot! wonderful detail and texture. V
Helen Betts22-Aug-2018 13:01
An effective crop and composition in this fine capture. V.
Jim Coffman22-Aug-2018 12:24
A nice closeup of this train wheel..
Fong Lam22-Aug-2018 07:49
A great composition with that tight the curve, line and textures...V
laine22-Aug-2018 06:10
Love the signs of age on the track and the bolt. A great looking macro of the wheel, Carol. V
cits_4_pets22-Aug-2018 03:58
Nice tight shot! Love the textures & colors.Great shot!!!v
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