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carol j. phipps | all galleries >> Galleries >> If I Had to Choose > The Final Tea
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Carol J Phipps

The Final Tea

Two little ladies met for tea.
Things were not as they used to be.
The hostess insisted for old time sake
They meet once more
for tea and cake.

Her hand shook slightly
as she reached for a cup.
It shook even more as she filled it up.
Younger eyes might readily see
Chips in the China,
leaves in the tea.

A tear in her eye signaled distress
as she said to her friend,
I must confess, I still love you dearly
and I'm glad you came;
but do me a favor,
please tell me your name."

The other looked up; she too was in tears
to think this could happen after so many years.
With a yellowed napkin, once white as snow,
she dabbed her eyes asking,
“How soon must you know?"

—Elaine Parker Akin

Canon PowerShot SX130 IS
1/25s f/3.4 at 5.0mm iso2500 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Wintermeer03-Oct-2018 20:57
Very thoughtful- the capture is lovely and complements the poem nicely! ~V~
Wintermeer03-Oct-2018 20:57
Very thoughtful- the capture is lovely and complements the poem nicely! ~V~
horse girl 28-Aug-2018 12:53
This poem sums up growing older with humor and grace. wonderful
Nancy Gall-Clayton 21-Aug-2018 21:02
Oh, my, this poem and the two cups speak volumes. One can't help but think of dear friends whose memories are less than perfect, but whose love remains strong. Thank you, Elaine.
Gill Kopy19-Aug-2018 04:57
I like how the cups don't match - all comes together perfectly with the sad poem V
Guest 15-Aug-2018 14:29
Carol, the picture works perfectly with the poem. Oh, how the poem reflects life as we age.
Carolyn Bate 15-Aug-2018 14:01
Beautiful words. Lovely picture.
Buz Kiefer15-Aug-2018 13:17
Very nice poem you chose to go with this fine still life, Carol. Vote
Guest 15-Aug-2018 13:17
Love this! ~ Jen Bixler
Meagan Brown 14-Aug-2018 19:17
Oh! How this poem touched my heart! Carol, your pictures reflect the poem so beautifully.
Joyce Oliver 14-Aug-2018 03:31
We have either been there or will be there. May life always afford us a friend, even when we can not recall their name! This is poignant and beautiful!
John Vass13-Aug-2018 16:15
Wonderful Photo and words though sad.
We forget that to get to this point hopefully there was a life filled with love! BV
Mieke WA Minkjan13-Aug-2018 11:44
beautiful V
Jackie 12-Aug-2018 19:08
Makes me cry My mom doesn’t remember my dads name anymore. He died 13 years ago. She just remembers he was her love. She’s 91
Markus Grompe12-Aug-2018 17:46
nicely seen. i like the monochrome
Stephanie12-Aug-2018 10:22
Can you spare a spot o' tea please?
Loving this old fashioned image Carol! V
LynnH12-Aug-2018 02:42
Excellent still life. The mood in your photo fits the poem so well. V
larose forest photos12-Aug-2018 02:34
Wonderful shot! And the poem is a delight, and a touch of humour too. V
laine12-Aug-2018 02:10
Your friend has the power of words...what a wonderful poem and your photo is perfectly matched. VV
Helen Betts12-Aug-2018 00:32
Lovely vintage looking capture, perfect accompaniment for that sad poem. V.
cits_4_pets12-Aug-2018 00:13
Has an old time feel. Lovely poem that goes perfectly with the image!!!!
Dennis Hoyne12-Aug-2018 00:12
A very touching poem, and very lovely image. V
Jim Coffman11-Aug-2018 22:45
Nice work, Carol..
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