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carol j. phipps | all galleries >> Galleries >> July Challenge \ Scavenger Hunt > Simplicity
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Thanks for a fun month of pictures!

Canon PowerShot SX40 HS
1/160s f/2.7 at 4.3mm iso1600 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Buz Kiefer04-Aug-2018 16:13
Glorious colors and a beautiful scene, Carol. Vote.
Dennis Hoyne01-Aug-2018 00:07
A very beautiful scene! V
Frank Tran31-Jul-2018 22:01
Amazing light and colors. V+
jeanb31-Jul-2018 17:39
LynnH31-Jul-2018 17:30
Simply beautiful simplicity. :) V
cits_4_pets31-Jul-2018 16:26
Beautiful colors and what a relaxing place to be. Love the silhouettes.v
joseantonio31-Jul-2018 15:33
a lovely time to be there.V
Stephanie31-Jul-2018 13:41
Gorgeous and colorful! V
Graeme31-Jul-2018 08:52
A wonderful end image for the simplicity of a gorgeous sky with extremely stunning colours, Carol.V
laine31-Jul-2018 06:02
It has quite a few admirers it's been lovely sharing the month with you Carol. V
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