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carol j. phipps | all galleries >> Galleries >> July Challenge \ Scavenger Hunt > Coming Together
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22-JUL-2018 Carol J. Phipps

Coming Together

Canon PowerShot SX40 HS
1/800s f/3.5 at 8.5mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Graeme31-Jul-2018 22:03
These kids and their mom are having a great time. A nicely framed capture, Carol.V!
Jola Dziubinska29-Jul-2018 23:34
Fantastic interaction scene, well seen. V.
LynnH29-Jul-2018 14:30
This is awesome. V
Tom LeRoy28-Jul-2018 12:09
Fine capture of fun and play! V
Stephanie28-Jul-2018 11:33
Looks a bit dangerous but fun! V
jeanb26-Jul-2018 15:15
Great for the challenge.
laine26-Jul-2018 08:23
Excellent photo to fit the challenge, Carol
cits_4_pets26-Jul-2018 05:25
Great interaction shot, they look happy & really together. Nice shot!
Dennis Hoyne25-Jul-2018 20:48
Nice shot! I love the POV and and the angled view gives a real dynamic quality. V
joseantonio25-Jul-2018 19:28
great composition and capture.V.
Jim Coffman25-Jul-2018 19:23
A very cute and rather unique capture!
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