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carol j. phipps | all galleries >> Galleries >> ALTERED REALITY > # 8
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# 8

Begonia in the heavy rain.

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Jola Dziubinska17-Sep-2012 18:39
Impressive red!
cits_4_pets08-Sep-2012 23:52
beautiful colors.
Karen Stuebing08-Sep-2012 22:15
Vivid red tones and love the sheen from the rain. Beautiful light makes this flower just glow. V.
Laryl08-Sep-2012 19:50
very nicely done
Ann...08-Sep-2012 16:09
Wonderful colour.
christopheru08-Sep-2012 13:59
incredible reds - not always easy to achieve
laine08-Sep-2012 09:42
It looks very pretty still
Mieke WA Minkjan08-Sep-2012 07:52
wonderful work in red
borisalex08-Sep-2012 06:54
Really pretty!
Janice Dunn08-Sep-2012 04:04
Always so pretty
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