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carol j. phipps | all galleries >> Galleries >> Celebrating Green > Whistle while you Work!
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Whistle while you Work!

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cits_4_pets21-Aug-2012 04:24
A very happy, feel good image as well!!!
cits_4_pets21-Aug-2012 04:23
Cute little guy keeping your garden green. Nice angle & like the light through the leaves.
Karen Stuebing20-Aug-2012 22:06
What an adorable garden ornament. Perfect with the green leaves surrounding it. Great light. V.
LynnH20-Aug-2012 21:37
Wonderful PoV. What a cheery little frog! V
Mieke WA Minkjan20-Aug-2012 07:47
a fun shot, you made me smile today Carol!
borisalex20-Aug-2012 07:18
Wonderful Carol..made me smile! V.
Laryl20-Aug-2012 03:28
lol very cute!!
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