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carol j. phipps | all galleries >> Galleries >> Celebrating Green > Green Pretties!
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Green Pretties!

Canon PowerShot SX130 IS
1/20s f/3.4 at 5.0mm iso640 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Jola Dziubinska14-Aug-2012 22:03
Very pretty bracelets, perfect composition and DOF. V.
Mieke WA Minkjan12-Aug-2012 07:25
lovely and a great dof of the shiny beads
wernere0109-Aug-2012 16:44
Excellent colourful detail.
LynnH09-Aug-2012 12:29
Beautiful work! I love the soft tones and the DoF. V
borisalex09-Aug-2012 04:26
A great angle on them with nice bokeh and colors!
Janet Donnelly09-Aug-2012 00:39
Lovely vibrant colors in this very attractive jewelry!
Graeme08-Aug-2012 20:55
A lovely close up of these shapes and colours, Carol.BV
Yiannis Pavlis08-Aug-2012 14:17
lovely capture
nice composition and presentation..well done.
cits_4_pets08-Aug-2012 06:27
Nice close up and love the comp and colors. Super shot of these Pretties! Excellent!!!
Laryl08-Aug-2012 03:56
love it.. so much to look at
larose forest photos08-Aug-2012 01:36
Very pretty indeed! And well captured. V
Karen Stuebing07-Aug-2012 22:38
Those are lovely beads and bracelet. Beautifully composed and photographed. Jewelery is hard to expose well. V.
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