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carol j. phipps | all galleries >> Galleries >> A Month of Monochrome > Sad!
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Weekly Challenge: Open and Narrow

Canon PowerShot SX130 IS
1/20s f/3.4 at 5.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Carl and Racine Erland29-Mar-2012 05:10
Lovely moody shot...great image. - Racine
Cindi Smith27-Mar-2012 22:52
On its last leg....very nice shot, CArol!
Ann...27-Mar-2012 07:11
You certainly have captured an air of sadness here.
wernere0127-Mar-2012 01:06
Yes it´s a bit sad to see beauty passing by so quickly. Excellent capture.
Guest 26-Mar-2012 11:38
Excellent work. v
Mieke WA Minkjan26-Mar-2012 06:27
beautiful composed and processed
Frank Brault26-Mar-2012 01:33
Sad, but a beautiful image. V
Walter Otto Koenig26-Mar-2012 00:19
Fascinating work, very well executed.
Guest 26-Mar-2012 00:09
Great capture, sad but beautiful!!! Very nice work Carol!!!
Barbara Heide25-Mar-2012 23:41
fits very well! love this moody shot! v
Karen Stuebing25-Mar-2012 21:38
Love the sense of motion. Beautiful monotone capture of this flower and super post processing. Perfect for the topic. V.
Brenda25-Mar-2012 21:30
Sad but soon a new one will show up in its place!
Inga Morozoff25-Mar-2012 21:28
I'm getting a sense of motion from this shot. Almost as if you're twirling around it. Cool effect.
Janet Donnelly25-Mar-2012 18:56
Somewhere there's a brand new bud ready to take this flower's place .... the circle of life. This is an impressive image!
J. Scott Coile25-Mar-2012 16:50
All things must fade...
Guest 25-Mar-2012 14:30
very artfull! V
Yvonne25-Mar-2012 10:41
A beautiful piece of art work Carol...
Stephanie25-Mar-2012 09:54
Neat work Carol! Love the blurring of the background!
Sheila25-Mar-2012 09:16
Beautiful shot, Carol.
Laryl25-Mar-2012 06:52
sad but great image!
laine25-Mar-2012 03:27
It looks amazing, Carol...
larose forest photos25-Mar-2012 03:26
Beautifully composed. A fine image. V
Guest 25-Mar-2012 02:54
Beautiful work.
Guest 25-Mar-2012 02:43
This fits the bill real good.
Roe..25-Mar-2012 02:33
nice work..
Shayne25-Mar-2012 02:18

Nicely done image ~ great composition and light
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