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carol j. phipps | all galleries >> Galleries >> Collage Gallery >
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Enjoying "Face to Face" by Boa;
Would love to be at the Ocean with the
Sun and breeze on my face; and the
Singing of the gulls in the distance.

(Also, I really like drumming)

Canon PowerShot SX130 IS
1/50s f/3.4 at 5.0mm iso2500 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Ray Rebortira11-Jan-2011 03:54
Wonderful portrait!
Graeme10-Jan-2011 23:01
Very creative Carol.BV
J. Scott Coile10-Jan-2011 20:17
A wonderful creation!
Linda Matta10-Jan-2011 18:30
Makes the eye travel all around the image, very nice!
larose forest photos10-Jan-2011 13:50
You are so clever with this type of photographic collage. It is wonderful and evocative. V
j>a>e>17 :):):)10-Jan-2011 12:13
YOU ARE ON A TRIP TO THE SUNNY SURRREALLL OCEAN AWELIVE with this mesmerizing GIFT & so am i!!!! :):):):)
Stephanie10-Jan-2011 09:44
Such cool pp work Carol!!! :)
Carol Rollins10-Jan-2011 04:25
You are wonderfully creative Carol. This is excellent. ~
Cindi Smith10-Jan-2011 03:35
Perfect, queen of processing!
Janice Dunn10-Jan-2011 02:19
Your dreams cleverly displayed here Carol
Carla Resh10-Jan-2011 02:16
well done, very creative
LynnH10-Jan-2011 01:33
This is really good, Carol!! Emotes well!
Walter Otto Koenig10-Jan-2011 01:08
Very creative work Carol. Well done!
sue anne10-Jan-2011 00:23
Beautiful and love the collage.
Sandra Cooper09-Jan-2011 22:31
That is just too clever,Carol. Wonderful.
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