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carol j. phipps | all galleries >> Galleries >> Collage Gallery >
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We had a thunder and lightning storm today.
The rainbow picture on the left was the first showing of the colors in the storm;
then after 15 or 20 minutes the rainbow filled out to a complete arch, but the clouds had changed.
I've tried to combine them for the total effect.
This composition includes 3 different intersections of the town of Madison, Indiana.
(The background pic was taken through the window of the vehicle at a four-way intersection.)

Kodak Z650
1/1250s f/5.6 at 6.3mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
René Lortie27-Jun-2010 02:23
Well done Carol.
Marisa Livet23-Jun-2010 14:44
Very creative composition, the idea to assemble different photos to convey an unque impression is excellent!
Frank Brault15-Jun-2010 17:31
Marvelous! V
lisamidi08-Jun-2010 19:36
Fantastic image, Carol, so beautiful! v
Jola Dziubinska03-Jun-2010 22:58
Nicely presented, Carol. V.
J. Scott Coile01-Jun-2010 17:01
Beautiful creation Carol.
Marielou Dhumez01-Jun-2010 15:49
Two in one ! Impressive landscapes, indeed !
Cindi Smith01-Jun-2010 13:54
A double rainbow. Love the rear view mirror shot! Very cool!
franz01-Jun-2010 11:07
Nice rainy composition. BV carol j.!
Doug Cruden01-Jun-2010 08:56
Very cleverly done, Carol - I like the composition a lot! Excellent start to the month :o)
Yvonne01-Jun-2010 08:05
What a wonderfully creative composition!
Mieke WA Minkjan01-Jun-2010 07:22
beautiful composition
Kathryn01-Jun-2010 07:14
borisalex01-Jun-2010 06:16
Creative and beautiful work!
Ann...01-Jun-2010 06:08
Excellent work. A very clever combination of images, beautifully presented.
Guest 01-Jun-2010 04:55
Intense image,
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