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carol j. phipps | all galleries >> Galleries >> May 2010 Challenge ~ Memories > Nearer Than We Might Think!
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Nearer Than We Might Think!

This picture\experience (Bird in flower pot)
reminds me of an article I read during my doctoral work.
The article was on the playfulness\mystery of God.
The story was told of a child playing
hide and seek with her father. He closed his eyes and
counted giving the child time to hide.
Just as the father would open his eyes and
begin to look for his young daughter,
she would sneak up softly behind him and
giggle with delight when she touched
"home base" where he sat; she would then exclaim
"I'm Here!"
The author then wrote how he likes to think of God as being
like a child delighting in the intimacy,
back and forth action found in "play."

Kodak Z650
1/320s f/3.4 at 55.9mm iso160 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Kerry Tingley13-May-2010 14:22
Wonderful story and capture Carol!
Frank Brault13-May-2010 00:39
A lovely photo and way of think about GOD.
Cindi Smith12-May-2010 12:17
Love the story and the image! Yes, God is good and has a sense of humor!
LynnH12-May-2010 11:37
Sweet mommy and a good narrative!! Very well done.
Stephanie12-May-2010 09:41
Mama robin looks very happy in the basket. Soon you will have little baby robins! :)
Mieke WA Minkjan12-May-2010 07:35
beautiful this little bird in the flower basket
borisalex12-May-2010 04:37
This is a beautiful story and it tells for me that God is the homebase! V.
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