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carol j. phipps | all galleries >> Galleries >> May 2010 Challenge ~ Memories > Peaceable Kingdom!
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Peaceable Kingdom!

I'm reminded of my late Grandfather's farm where many
different kinds of animals roamed the fields together; there were
horses, cows, bulls, sheep, lambs, chickens, goats, roosters, rabbits . . . .
all living peaceably together.

Kodak Z650
1/50s f/3.2 at 36.2mm iso160 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Marty Landolt12-May-2010 02:07
Nice to visit such an exciting place as you provide. Thanks!
Robert D. McAlpine08-May-2010 00:41
Wow wow wow! And the presentation is superb!
LynnH06-May-2010 19:24
Brilliant work and wonderful idea. V
Bill Reed06-May-2010 02:54
Wonderful processing and image. It's a great memory.
Frank Brault06-May-2010 01:52
Superb! V
Jola Dziubinska05-May-2010 23:34
Great presentation, CArol, nice memory.
franz05-May-2010 19:17
It was Noah's ark! BV carol j.
Stephanie05-May-2010 15:13
Rabbits? Your grandfather's farm must have been a wonderful place!
Love this p'shop work here Carol!
Carl and Racine Erland05-May-2010 13:23
Very nice, Carol....great processing and a beautiful memory! - Racine
Char05-May-2010 13:19
A wonderful scene to go with a beautiful memory, Carol! \/
Guest 05-May-2010 12:53
Farms are something children keep in their memories forever!
Cindi Smith05-May-2010 11:42
Oh, to be on a farm. Yes, I can imagine the memories you must have. I love this!
Mieke WA Minkjan05-May-2010 07:30
a wonderful composition! V
Ann...05-May-2010 07:04
Wonderful image!
Chris05-May-2010 06:18
Great processing and happy reminders.
Kathryn05-May-2010 05:37
Nice animal shot, happy memories of fun times.
borisalex05-May-2010 05:17
Great job, Carol and really wonderful thoughts of a peaceful world! V.
Kerry Tingley05-May-2010 04:34
Beautiful Carol!
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