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Thursday Challenge ~ "Space"

Kodak Z650
1/640s f/6.3 at 11.5mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Kerry Tingley12-Mar-2010 17:22
Beautiful capture Carol. There is nothing like rolling hills with trees (and a barn thrown in for spice).
Antonio Ruggiero12-Mar-2010 11:39
I like barns and trees in an empty landscape V
Bill Reed12-Mar-2010 05:41
Great scene, great title, great image. Well done
Jola Dziubinska11-Mar-2010 23:41
Peaceful scenery, nicely seen.
Silvia Roitman11-Mar-2010 19:23
Kevin Chester11-Mar-2010 16:22
A good take on how would can end up.
Dennis Hoyne11-Mar-2010 16:11
Beautiful landscape!
Ken Duckert11-Mar-2010 15:18
Classic. Great shot of the solitude of open spaces. Nice!
sue anne11-Mar-2010 15:10
Nice to see beautiful open spaces.
Luca Zanoni11-Mar-2010 14:05
great view
Char11-Mar-2010 13:21
This makes me think of the little house on the prairie! Love this scene, Carol. \/
J. Scott Coile11-Mar-2010 13:03
Always enough beauty in uncluttered simplicity.
Yvonne11-Mar-2010 10:41
Great to see the uncluttered landscape, lovely space!
laine8211-Mar-2010 10:36
That's a beautiful open space, Carol.
Bernard Davis11-Mar-2010 10:11
Lovely scene.
Stephanie11-Mar-2010 09:54
Beautiful open space! Love this image Carol! :^)
Colin Storey11-Mar-2010 09:35
Wonderfl composition of the space between the tree and barn.
Knox O11-Mar-2010 07:51
glad to know she's keeping her space.
Sandra Cooper11-Mar-2010 07:42
A lovely scene; thanks
Ann...11-Mar-2010 07:27
Enough space there!!!!
Maaike Huizer11-Mar-2010 07:15
Perfect for the challenge. It shows the space in perspective!!
An De Wilde11-Mar-2010 07:07
great space
Mieke WA Minkjan11-Mar-2010 06:30
I like barns and trees in an empty landscape V
BleuEvanescence11-Mar-2010 06:13
Yes....breathing space.
Norbert Fortelny11-Mar-2010 06:04
Nice, I like it.
borisalex11-Mar-2010 05:40
Beautiful scene, love the space and feel of serenity!
Guest 11-Mar-2010 04:02
Nice wide open space there.
Guest 11-Mar-2010 03:56
This is really beautiful Carol!!! V
LynnH11-Mar-2010 02:43
Beautiful wide open space!!!!
Lieve Snellings11-Mar-2010 02:38
very very beautiful ! V
Cindi Smith11-Mar-2010 02:28
Nice open spaces!
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