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carol j. phipps | all galleries >> Galleries >> If I Had to Choose > Faithing it, Crossing this Bridge!
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23-OCT-2008 Carol J Phipps

Faithing it, Crossing this Bridge!

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Marisa Livet23-Jun-2010 14:46
The structure of the bridge which disappears in the fog is very effective and impressive
Will James Sooter07-Feb-2009 02:28
Super composition Carol. Your technique, settings and point of view, make this image. Cheers, Will
monil30-Oct-2008 21:16
A very great capture.
Excellent study of perspective and love the mood. v
Lloyd & Sandy Spitalnik30-Oct-2008 00:50
Great capture Carol!!
Harrison27-Oct-2008 16:58
Beautiful shot!
Sue Robertson26-Oct-2008 10:44
Outstanding B & W image Carol.. Well done. v
marita toftgard26-Oct-2008 10:04
absolutely amazing!!
Apostolos Tikopoulos25-Oct-2008 19:31
Love this wonderful moody composition. Well done, Carol. V.
Marcia Colelli25-Oct-2008 03:05
very nice capture V
Greg Vescuso25-Oct-2008 02:53
Perfect title...Excellent image..V
Jen Bixler25-Oct-2008 02:20
Yes, great image and caption. Such an awesome image.
loVe it.
Matylda Lempel-Chareza Photography24-Oct-2008 22:53
great shot,vote
Jay Levin24-Oct-2008 22:12
Terrific image and perspective with a sense of eeriness. Vote
Wenche Aune24-Oct-2008 21:52
Excellent! V
Mairéad24-Oct-2008 19:42
A wonderful image. V
Tom Munson24-Oct-2008 17:41
This is outstanding, Carol. Great image. v
Eric Herbelin24-Oct-2008 16:20
Excellent! v
john savage24-Oct-2008 15:32
Wow, nice image. Don't read Stephen Kings "The Mist" before crossing. BV
Barbara Heide24-Oct-2008 14:57
wonderful mood ! Fantastic capture! v
Guest 24-Oct-2008 13:18
Beautifull capture.
Char24-Oct-2008 13:15
Hi Carol,
This is another wonderful picture of the bridge in fog. \/
Carol Rollins24-Oct-2008 13:11
Good title for this great shot Carol! V
Silvia Roitman24-Oct-2008 13:04
Karen Stuebing24-Oct-2008 11:33
Super capture of the bridge fading into the fog. Lovely in b/w. V.
Guest 24-Oct-2008 06:24
This isn't that "Bridge to Nowhere" is it? (Grin) Really nice B/W Carol. Vote
Nikhil Bahl24-Oct-2008 04:44
I love the way the bridge just disappears. v
Guest 24-Oct-2008 03:50
Great capture. I am afaid I would have to wait. Very well done. V
Rich Westfall24-Oct-2008 03:43
Great shot, Carol. It would give you pause before you drove on through.
Larry Grace24-Oct-2008 03:42
Excellent mood image, well done. V
Greg Christie24-Oct-2008 03:20
A wonderful shot. Exudes mystery.
Cindi Smith24-Oct-2008 02:55
Beautiful work! One of your best!;)
wernere0124-Oct-2008 02:53
Exactly what I thought a few days ago. It looks so fragile in the mist. And you´ve been there at the right moment. Great shot, Carol.
Liz Bickel24-Oct-2008 02:46
I really like this image, and I love the title you've given it. This is so well done!
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