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carol j. phipps | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> FACE*S tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Mother and Son Remembering Picasso g4/64/603464/3/132993297.mbxSKNKj.jpg
Remembering Picasso The Face of the Full Moon! Under the Full M oon
He is Brooding Over Being Weaned. Photo Booth Fun! Mr. Eddie Taylor
I'm Here for You! Empathy! Little Girl Dreams!
Gift of Prayer and Friendship. Jenny Gray, Ever Attentive! Michael and Mom!
Five Generations Dr. Peggy S. Stephens Just Hanging Out  Together!
g4/64/603464/3/133017722.UHwy5qLv.jpg Prayer Blanket Mugg Shots
g4/64/603464/3/133038285.b2vFT8pV.jpg My First Bumble Bee of Spring! Some of my Church Family!
Nightcap! Refreshment! Fruit Face!