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carol j. phipps | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> End of Summer ~ tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

End of Summer ~

Recognizing some changes that occur as August ends, and September begins;
changes include how seeds make their journey from plant to soil
in preparation for a long winter nap before sprouting into new life.

Fear Not Entertainment! World Communion Day. Concentration! Communication.
Difference. The Bright Side ! Chamomile blooms. g1/64/603464/3/103852825.awaG2CI1.jpg
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g1/64/603464/3/103673453.HKRmfcYI.jpg Purple! Eyes Its a Sign.
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Yellow! g1/64/603464/3/103239433.MHilOa3D.jpg g1/64/603464/3/103239432.c5drSF7F.jpg The Cathedral, by Rodin.
Miracle Gold. Fish! Lucky! The 23rd Psalm.
g3/64/603464/3/102968528.0V1Jmw8X.jpg The Song of Songs. Face in the Clouds! g3/64/603464/3/102921885.Sg6doRzN.jpg
g3/64/603464/3/102879670.lkiaZcCF.jpg Foliage. g3/64/603464/3/102765404.z2xghe1l.jpg Flaging Autumn.
Boswell! g3/64/603464/3/102765402.bswWw2bB.jpg g3/64/603464/3/102677036.8pArqM87.jpg Flaging Autumn.
g3/64/603464/3/102628126.ZQmLiWtt.jpg Spoon! End of Summer! End of Summer.
Flaging Autumn. End of Summer. End of Summer. End of Summer.
End of Summer. End of Summer. End of Summer. End of Summer.
End of Summer. End of Summer. End of Summer. End of Summer.
End of Summer. End of Summer. End of Summer. g3/64/603464/3/102558299.QQ2WECp9.jpg