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CJ Burianek | all galleries >> New England Galleries >> Ledyard, CT > 20Oct05 Geer Hill School 6643-6648
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20-OCT-2005 CJ Burianek

20Oct05 Geer Hill School 6643-6648

Ledyard, CT

Photo a Day, Day 204...I drive by this school all the time. One of the many historical buildings in our town, this particular school house has been completely restored with some of the original desks even (See pics to the side: front window is the left window you see and back the right...) It also happens to be the smallest one room school house in Connecticut.
It sits off of Route 117 in a sort of blind curve of the road which is why I have been so reluctant to stop and shoot it before. Kind of scary with the road right next to the school and the other side of the road has guardrails since it falls off to a river...

Shot is composed of 6 shots taken in portrait orientation and then merged in photoshop. The EXIF data is correct for all shots since this was shot entirely in manual - manual white balance, manual metering, manual focus. (The only way to get consistent shots for panoramics btw.)

Original will give a better view...
For anyone interested in fonts the font is LTC Calson Long Pro Opentype from Lanston Type Company It is based on a font by William Caslon who cut his first typefaces in 1720.

Camera Raw, 6 image Photomerge, Crop, Resize, Sharpen, Frame: PhotoshopCS2

Canon EOS 20D ,Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM
1/125s f/20.0 at 43.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Gary Winters03-Jun-2006 16:03
Terrific pano and a great mini-history lesson!
don nieman28-Oct-2005 10:01
This is beautiful. You really handled the light well here.
Guest 21-Oct-2005 03:59
Nice work ... love the trees around the building! :)
Karen Leaf21-Oct-2005 03:39
Wow excellent pan CJ! Great job metering everything. Can imagine you sitting on the side of the road worried about the traffic but WANTING to get this shot. Super.
Bryan Murahashi21-Oct-2005 02:55
Great shot.
Elaine (etfitz)21-Oct-2005 02:22
Guest 21-Oct-2005 01:28
I like the setup and the work you did to put this together CJ! The font ties it all together with a nice Winslow Homer feel to it.
Guest 20-Oct-2005 21:10