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Political T2D OR those Pulled by DDG for explicit content

After having some pulled and asking why, DDG Team said they don't allow political dreams. Not mentioned on their site as not allowed and I did quite a few.
Liar Liar Hair on Fire, Arrested and in handcuffs, FBI chasing him, In Jail, Striped prison suit, morgue, Ect. My fave is on I did Web of Lies.

Thought that was strange as some of the prompts were very positive, such as "Trump in Love".
It was their software that created him looking at himself - being in love with himself and not his wife or kids.
DDG had Barack Obama Funko Pop as a Random Prompt, so did that and then changed name to the dictator.
015 Shady Look & a Web of Lies..jpg
015 Shady Look & a Web of Lies..jpg
Donald Trump in jail.jpg
Donald Trump in jail.jpg
Trump Kissing Ass with Putin.jpg
Trump Kissing Ass with Putin.jpg
Donald Trump Chased by FBI censored.jpg
Donald Trump Chased by FBI censored.jpg
Trump in Love #1.jpg
Trump in Love #1.jpg
020 At The Morgue.jpg
020 At The Morgue.jpg
103 A True Patriot.jpg
103 A True Patriot.jpg
Liar Liar Hair on Fire-1.jpg
Liar Liar Hair on Fire-1.jpg
Trump in love #2.jpg
Trump in love #2.jpg
Pelosi's Revenge.jpg
Pelosi's Revenge.jpg
Donald Trump funko pop.jpg
Donald Trump funko pop.jpg
Barack Obama funko pop..jpg
Barack Obama funko pop..jpg
121 Curves orig.png
121 Curves orig.png
Strung Along.jpg
Strung Along.jpg
Trump Zipped Shut for Lying & Breaking Oath of Presidency Office.jpg
Trump Zipped Shut for Lying & Breaking Oath of Presidency Office.jpg
The Power of Curves
The Power of Curves
Naughty dream got my DDG account shut down Sunday Early AM.....
Naughty dream got my DDG account shut down Sunday Early AM.....