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08-JUN-2008 Flo Hendry

Basketful of Pocket Pals

Walnut Creek, CA

Ruby in the Dust, Pocahontas & The Loner
Ruby is known as a barberer, she is an excessive groomer and has scalped her mother, Pokie & a little bald spot on her Aunt Loner...

Took a few tries to get all 3 cute expressions...if rats have cute expressions.....just like little kids, they don't stay still for long, they had a blast climbing soon as I'd get one in another would hop out, get it in and another would be gone...LOL

Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ18
1/60s f/3.6 at 14.7mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 03-Apr-2010 23:48
very sweet
Liz Bickel13-Sep-2008 04:03
LOL! I can just picture them scampering out of the basket just as you're ready to snap the shutter. Having photographed 3 wild puppies that refused to stay in a basket, I can appreciate your efforts.
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