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Harlequins, Jesters & Jokers

In alpha order by common name (bird,cat,dog etc.)or holiday, sporting activity...
All had prompts that specified fantasy 'harlequin' with jester or joker. Some did not get much of the harlequin or jester in the dream.

Some got none of the jester look
Playing Eyeball Snooker.jpg
Playing Eyeball Snooker.jpg
Stranger in a Strange Land
Stranger in a Strange Land
Glyptodon in an Ancient Land
Glyptodon in an Ancient Land
Stranger in an Ancient Land.jpg
Stranger in an Ancient Land.jpg
Harlequin Jungle Cockatoo.jpg
Harlequin Jungle Cockatoo.jpg
Calendar Cat April - Jessie.jpg
Calendar Cat April - Jessie.jpg
Harley Cat.jpg
Harley Cat.jpg
The Harlequin Chase.jpg
The Harlequin Chase.jpg
Harlequin Feline.jpg
Harlequin Feline.jpg
The Comical Pug - A Real Joker.jpg
The Comical Pug - A Real Joker.jpg
The Debate.jpg
The Debate.jpg
Off to Day of the Dead Gathering.png
Off to Day of the Dead Gathering.png
A Treat or a Trick!.jpg
A Treat or a Trick!.jpg
The Garden of Hugs
The Garden of Hugs
Garden Hugs from the Harlequin Jesters.jpg
Garden Hugs from the Harlequin Jesters.jpg
Spirited Harlequin Horse.jpg
Spirited Harlequin Horse.jpg
Desert Runner.jpg
Desert Runner.jpg
Harlequin Horse of the Desert.jpg
Harlequin Horse of the Desert.jpg
Jesteress Circus Dressage.jpg
Jesteress Circus Dressage.jpg
Jester Showing his Horse 'Not a Full Deck' Gets a 0 (Zero- movement not performed).jpg
Jester Showing his Horse 'Not a Full Deck' Gets a 0 (Zero- movement not performed).jpg
My Religion.jpg
My Religion.jpg
Elderly Punk Aliens Joking Around
Elderly Punk Aliens Joking Around
Baby Jester.jpg
Baby Jester.jpg
Trickster Spider Anansi.jpg
Trickster Spider Anansi.jpg
Harlequin Water Sprite.jpg
Harlequin Water Sprite.jpg
Water Sprite Harlequin.jpg
Water Sprite Harlequin.jpg
The Joker.jpg
The Joker.jpg