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DeepDreamGenerator prompts that are song titles or lyrics. If several verses are done then in a folder/gallery of their own
Denver, John: This Old Guitar
Denver, John: This Old Guitar
Etheridge, Melissa: Chrome Plated Heart
Etheridge, Melissa: Chrome Plated Heart
Gardner, Julian: Rainbow's End
Gardner, Julian: Rainbow's End
Grateful Dead - Casey Jones
Grateful Dead - Casey Jones
Grateful Day - Casey Jones
Grateful Day - Casey Jones
Kaukonen, Jorma: Flying Clouds
Kaukonen, Jorma: Flying Clouds
Lennon, John: Give Peace a Chance
Lennon, John: Give Peace a Chance
Lofgren, Nils: Angel Blues
:: Lofgren, Nils: Angel Blues ::
Lofgren, Nils: Valentine
Lofgren, Nils: Valentine
Peter & Gordon: Lady Godiva
Peter & Gordon: Lady Godiva
Prine, John: In Spite of Ourselves
:: Prine, John: In Spite of Ourselves ::
Seskin: Don't Laugh at Me - same prompt diff results - Celebrating Diversity
:: Seskin: Don't Laugh at Me - same prompt diff results - Celebrating Diversity ::
Young, Neil: Rockin in the Free world  -  Keep Hope Alive!
Young, Neil: Rockin in the Free world - Keep Hope Alive!
Young, Neil: Cowgirl in the Sand
Young, Neil: Cowgirl in the Sand
Young, Neil: Motorcycle Mama
:: Young, Neil: Motorcycle Mama ::
Young, Neil: Southern Man (3 images)
:: Young, Neil: Southern Man (3 images) ::
Zevon, Warren: Splendid Isolation
:: Zevon, Warren: Splendid Isolation ::