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cits_4_pets | profile | all galleries >> Altered Reality & Natural Abstracts >> DDG AI >> "Seconds" or "Rejects-Never Release" tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

"Seconds" or "Rejects-Never Release"

These are the 'rejects' as I got a better dream using same or slightly modified prompt.

Click on thumbnail to see dream...comments can be made
No, No I Don't want to be a Rat-a-Bat Brat.jpg
No, No I Don't want to be a Rat-a-Bat Brat.jpg
Joker & topless protester.jpg
Joker & topless protester.jpg
Unreleased: Leprechaun Ian
Unreleased: Leprechaun Ian
Unreleased: Leprechaun Ian1.jpg
Unreleased: Leprechaun Ian1.jpg
Unreleased: Energizer Bunny - redid landscape prompt section
Unreleased: Energizer Bunny - redid landscape prompt section
Unreleased E. bunny #2
Unreleased E. bunny #2
The Waiting - Dream Forge AI Model
The Waiting - Dream Forge AI Model