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CIS | all galleries >> ::TRAVELS *Near & Far*:: >> ::Ottawa:: >> ::Along Rideau Canal Gallery:: > Nemesis
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*best viewed in original size for details*
Heading towards the locks, she was keeping an eye on the ducks to make sure they stayed safe.:o)

Unfortunately the only time I was able to shoot was during the lunch hour, so the light will be harsh in some of my shots.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Bonnie Underwood06-Sep-2007 18:24
Gorgeous day for a ride down
the canal or a walk for that matter.
Boats and water... life is good. ~Bon
Guest 06-Sep-2007 11:12
looks so gorgeous to me.
Fong Lam06-Sep-2007 06:11
A wonderful sunny image. I love the deep blue color of the water.
Would be nice to take a ride on that boat ~V~
January Grey06-Sep-2007 04:20
Such a lovely scene. Beautiful color and exposure. V~
Joanne Kamo06-Sep-2007 02:24
Ideal spot for a walk! It looks like a fun city, very relaxed and beautiful! V
laine8206-Sep-2007 02:01
What a great lunch spot you have !! Love that clear blue beyond !!
s_barbour06-Sep-2007 01:57
What a lovely composition, that boat is magnificent!
Barb06-Sep-2007 01:02
What a great way to spend lunch time. Nice shot.
Cindi Smith06-Sep-2007 00:21
Beautiful! Now that is the way I would love to spend lunch!
Jay Levin05-Sep-2007 22:41
Lovely shot, Carol. The colors and viewpoint are perfect. Vote
Martha Albuquerque05-Sep-2007 22:32
great shot, Carol!! lovely place.. seems to be a wonderful day as well, v*