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CIS | all galleries >> Galleries >> Bending The Rules ~ LB2 > Fragile
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A small sprig of wispy fern fell on the table, so I slipped a piece of paper under it.
Decided to take the shot with the Lensbaby and macro lens, slight crop and resized.

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Nunes BEIRAO - PHOTO05-Mar-2007 01:40
Would choose this one as my winner of this collection. A great title too!!!
Guest 22-Feb-2007 01:40
I'll say it again, you're an artist with a camera
marie-jose wolff20-Feb-2007 22:23
so delicate and fragile...
Guest 20-Feb-2007 20:35
Very poigant image..v
Peg O'Brien20-Feb-2007 19:35
Simple and beautiful, Carol. Another beauty.
Guest 20-Feb-2007 19:22
very fragile, love the compo, excellent.
laine8220-Feb-2007 19:18
Ah delicate !!! v
Kathy Pedersen20-Feb-2007 17:02
Such an elegant compostion. Voted
Rich Westfall20-Feb-2007 16:05
Nice isolation on this one. I like it.
Fong Lam20-Feb-2007 15:35
Simple yet beautifully artistic. Vote
Martha Albuquerque20-Feb-2007 09:46
superb minimalism, lovely compo and artwork, Carol! v
Guest 20-Feb-2007 07:51
Lovely fragment! Great choice to go with the LB here-- the soft focus complements the delicateness so nicely. V.
Eric Carrère20-Feb-2007 07:34
C'est magnifique Carol, bravo :o)
QUERIDO20-Feb-2007 06:36
very nice shot,vote
Guest 20-Feb-2007 06:06
Minimalistic, yet very compelling. Bravo!
Guest 20-Feb-2007 04:54
Excellent capture, love the green touch on a white base :-)
Cindi Smith20-Feb-2007 03:10
Very simplistic but speaks volumes! Great job!
Bonnie 20-Feb-2007 03:03
oh my, this is bringing
out the poet in me and I'm
no poet. So much I want to
say but the words won't flow.
This is a fragile beauty
A beauty that time cannot fade