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CIS | all galleries >> ::TRAVELS *Near & Far*:: >> Ireland > Dining in the Chapel
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Dining in the Chapel


The entrance to this Chapel Restaurant and some info can be found by clicking on the photo below

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Martha Albuquerque27-Feb-2007 17:14
It's lovely inside the church too. The red tone makes a great composition, v
Yiannis Pavlis24-Feb-2006 14:19
excellent interior shot ,with available light .
Bonnie 24-Feb-2006 01:38
Beautiful and most unusual
setting for a restaurant.
A meal that must have been truly
CIS23-Feb-2006 22:10
Thanks Kathy, the light filtering in there, through the stainglass windows, was so beautiful.
All the colours seemed so rich, lush and warm. Perfect for a gathering.
Kathy Pedersen23-Feb-2006 17:37
Oh, how beautiful this is! What a wonderful setting for a nice afternoon lunch! I have never seen anything like this before? Thank you for sharing.
CIS23-Feb-2006 15:23
Thanks so much Laine...that was a 'cute' pun, it definitely was a slice of heaven!lol
laine8223-Feb-2006 10:15
A lovely ambience, Carol. I imagine the meal tasted heavenly ;>)