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Sea Green Haven

Taken in Turks & Caicos a couple of months ago, just loved this Gazebo so much.
Took liberties with the colour tones.

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January Grey12-Nov-2010 06:58
With the wonderful tones it appears to be a cool breeze blowing! A gorgeous gazebo & surroundings! Beautifully captured!
silvia marmori04-Nov-2010 11:52
the tones add an oniric feeling...
a beautiful work!
Margot W03-Nov-2010 03:39
So much going for this shot. I love the boardwalk , the distant shelters, the sea and of course the palms.
And the Gazebo is the centre attraction. Wish I were there.
Cindi Smith03-Nov-2010 03:05
Love the composition, tones and image. I can see why you love that gazebo, it rocks! Beautiful serene image! :)
Jay Levin03-Nov-2010 01:46
I love your liberties, Carol. This is a beautiful scene.
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad03-Nov-2010 00:41
Great shot and even better post work. The "liberties" you took are dreamy and beautiful. Voted
laine02-Nov-2010 23:15
Lovely to see you back, Carol...this is so pretty!
Martha Albuquerque02-Nov-2010 22:25
It's like a vision dear Carol ..
peterjay4502-Nov-2010 21:56
Your 'liberties' produced a fabulous result, just a gorgeous image. Makes me so wish to be there.
marie-jose wolff02-Nov-2010 20:49
a heavenly place, very fine treatment with those faded tones! V