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Canon Image Challenge | profile | all galleries >> Challenges From The Past >> 2017 Challenges >> CIC163 A Touch Of Color tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

CIC163 A Touch Of Color

Entries can be either selective color on a black and white image or a bold standout color in a normal color image. You choose you are in control.

The Eligible Gallery: is for images captured with any camera, any brand, but during the Challenge period.
The Exhibition Gallery: is for images taken any time with any camera.
All other rules outlined in the Official Challenge FAQ apply. Challenge FAQ can be found here:

Enter a maximum of four pictures per person in the Eligible gallery, and three pictures per person in the Exhibition gallery for a combined total of 7 per challenge.
Please remember the 500kb limit for detailed shots, and strive for 300kb for others.

Challenge Starts: Friday, March 3, 2017 00:00 UTC

Challenge Ends: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 23:59 UTC

Voting Begins: Wednesday, March 29, 2017 00:00 UTC

Voting Ends: Thursday, March 31, 2017 23:59 UTC

Voting will take place here:

If you are new and do not know the user id and password, please send an email to :

Please replace(--at--) with @ in the email address before you send it out.
One of the challenge administrators will contact you with that information, but please be patient.

The discussion thread is here: .