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Dave & Marisa Haralson | profile | all galleries >> Two Years Travel Around-the-World >> SE Asia >> Cambodia >> Ruins - Day One tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Ruins - Day One

What a busy day! We managed to see 6 different temple complexes thanks to our handy moto driver. It was pretty damn hot and overwhelming! Though we were drenched with sweat the entire afternoon, the ruins were quite amazing and were fairly well preserved.

Click on individual photos to enlarge.
Banteay Kdei
:: Banteay Kdei ::
Nea Pean
:: Nea Pean ::
Preah Khan
:: Preah Khan ::
Sra Srang
:: Sra Srang ::
Ta Keo
:: Ta Keo ::
Ta Prohm
:: Ta Prohm ::