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Dave & Marisa Haralson | profile | all galleries >> Two Years Travel Around-the-World >> Central America >> Mexico tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Photos of our trip along the Pacific Coast of Mexico from Huatulco Bays to Acapulco.
stunning view from our all inclusive-Huatulco
stunning view from our all inclusive-Huatulco
Yes, Dave is actually studying!
Yes, Dave is actually studying!
Puerto Angel
Puerto Angel
Cool patio with cut out canoe furniture
Cool patio with cut out canoe furniture
San Agustinillo
San Agustinillo
Paradise...OUR chairs in San A.
Paradise...OUR chairs in San A.
Pristine beach in San A.
Pristine beach in San A.
OUR hotel in San A.
OUR hotel in San A.
Dave's new beard (1 month old)
Dave's new beard (1 month old)