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Dave & Marisa Haralson | profile | all galleries >> Two Years Travel Around-the-World >> Africa >> Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe >> Falls tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Click on individual photos to enlarge.
Cataract Island with Main Falls to the right.JPG
Cataract Island with Main Falls to the right.JPG
Danger Point.JPG
Danger Point.JPG
Dave doesn't fit under the rainbow.JPG
Dave doesn't fit under the rainbow.JPG
Devil's Cataract.JPG
Devil's Cataract.JPG
Eastern Cataract.JPG
Eastern Cataract.JPG
Into the abyss.JPG
Into the abyss.JPG
Livingstone the liberator.JPG
Livingstone the liberator.JPG
Looking back at the Devil's Cataract.JPG
Looking back at the Devil's Cataract.JPG
Looking back at the Main Falls.JPG
Looking back at the Main Falls.JPG
M's under the rainbow.JPG
M's under the rainbow.JPG
Main Fall's with rainbow.JPG
Main Fall's with rainbow.JPG
Main Falls straight on.JPG
Main Falls straight on.JPG
Main Falls through the mist.JPG
Main Falls through the mist.JPG
Main Falls up close.JPG
Main Falls up close.JPG
Main Falls.JPG
Main Falls.JPG
Rainbow Falls.JPG
Rainbow Falls.JPG
Rainbows Everywhere.JPG
Rainbows Everywhere.JPG
Turbulent waters.JPG
Turbulent waters.JPG
Under the rainbow at Danger Point.JPG
Under the rainbow at Danger Point.JPG
Zambian side facing the Eastern Cataract.JPG
Zambian side facing the Eastern Cataract.JPG
Zimbabwe flag.JPG
Zimbabwe flag.JPG
bridge connecting Zimbabwe to Zambia.JPG
bridge connecting Zimbabwe to Zambia.JPG
hippo legend.JPG
hippo legend.JPG
looking towards Zambia from Devils Cataract.JPG
looking towards Zambia from Devils Cataract.JPG
warthog legend.JPG
warthog legend.JPG