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Dave & Marisa Haralson | profile | all galleries >> Two Years Travel Around-the-World >> New Zealand >> South Island >> Central Otago tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Central Otago

Pretty purple flower
Pretty purple flower
toot toot, the historic steamship SS Earnslaw has made a living on the Lake for 100 years
toot toot, the historic steamship SS Earnslaw has made a living on the Lake for 100 years
gorgeous queenstown
gorgeous queenstown
gorgeous queenstown 2
gorgeous queenstown 2
Fishing on the Mataura River, just South of Queenstown
Fishing on the Mataura River, just South of Queenstown
dogs and 4 wheeler drive cattle
dogs and 4 wheeler drive cattle
Sheep everywhere
Sheep everywhere
...and more sheep
...and more sheep
Lake Tekapo
Lake Tekapo
Just North of Lake Tekapo
Just North of Lake Tekapo
On the way back to Christchurch
On the way back to Christchurch