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Chunsum | all galleries >> The Archives >> Pre-April 2008 >> Photography - Sigma SD10 >> NATURE > Tiger with some woods in the background
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Tiger with some woods in the background

I love Tigers.

Such powerful and beautiful animal.
One day, I would like to shoot these cats in the wild.

Sigma SD10 ,SIgma 55-200DC
1/80s f/8.0 at 200.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Chunsum11-Mar-2004 02:03
Thanks. The more I use the camera the more I like it. it has it's short comings but the image quality is top notch. I use a USB2 CF reader so the image transfer time isn't too bad.
Guest 10-Mar-2004 23:31
great shot... how are you liking the sigma d10... what about downloading time for images?