18-50 f2.8 EX DC vs 28mm f1.8 EX DG Macro vs 30mm f1.4 EX DC HSM
Test done with tripod, MLU, remote trigger. AF only and each shot forced to refocus. Matrix meter in AP mode. SPP2.1 output all auto to JPEG 12. Focus point is the wedding bells.
I am very impress with the 30mm. very sharp even for the edges as you'll see when compared to the other 2. AF is quiet, quick and smooth. However, as with the 20mm and 28mm(which Rick had tested extensively on) AF is suspect at large apertures as you will see with the f1.8 image which I think is an issue with the SD10(I hope they improve this) or the DOF being so shallow that ANY slight movement could throw off focus. Finally, you will see that this Lens IMHO lives up to the hype.
I am also quite impressed with the 18-50EX. its center sharpness holds up well against the primes. so if you are looking for a light walking lens, this is IT.
The 28mm has alway been my #2 after the 50. However this might change. the 50 might become the #2 and the 28mm might have to find a new home but I might hold on to it for its macro capabilities. It is still a very good lens but the 30mm just out performs it. Also on the SD10 the real edges of the 28mm doesn't show in the image.
****UPDATE 8-4-2005****
Well, I've re-shot the test for the 30mm and 28mm.
The parameters remained the same except I level the camera, make sure focus as good as I can get it using a 2x finder and still using AF.
look closely at the original size images. I am sure you will agree that the 30mm really out performs the 28mm. I think I will have to find the 28 a good new home soon.
This will conclude my 30mm test because this is convincing enough for me.
****UPDATE 8-5-2005****
I've added some shots taken with the 30mm outside.
all images taken hand held.