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Chris Lock | all galleries >> Themed Galleries >> Soviet Kitsch > Hammer and sickle
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Hammer and sickle

In the Museum of Political History, St Petersburg

Canon PowerShot A70
1/2s f/2.8 at 5.4mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Jim Ferer 20-Nov-2006 14:41
Isn't there a huge statue of this scene somewhere?
Andrew Drazdik Jr 29-Jul-2006 01:47
I like the symbolic nature of how the artist captures the strength behind Russia from a paternal and maternal sense in this monument. It makes the U.S.S.R. national standard come alive in a relative way to human senses. I can imagine from a older citizens point of view how this further captures the duality of man in respect to East Asian philosopy as well. Being able to admire a national symbol and iconic greatness open to the public, while being able to remember everything that hard work has earned you as well.
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