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Christine Astell | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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cheveux gras19-May-2015 06:39
Nice Gallery
tresse15-May-2015 16:46
Nice site updates
Doug Hillman 05-Aug-2011 15:25
where and how would one go about purchasing photos from you.


Doug Hillman 05-Aug-2011 15:24
where and how would one go about purchasing photos from you.


Susie Little 11-Aug-2010 20:38
Hi Christine,
This may seem a bit random, I was chatting with your Mum this afternoon and she said that you had a fabulous site of Photographs.These are absolutely stunning. She also said that you make the most gorgeous Permanargo Cards and you have thes on a different site. I would like to visit thee too but can't find the site!!

Look forward to hearing from you!
Guest 14-Feb-2010 03:09
Hi Christine~You are multi talented~ amazing things you do.
We all send love from "Down Under" hugs Mikki
Guest 13-Oct-2008 13:54

This is Sonia, Marcienne's daughter (in the UK, Leighton Buzzard)

Beautiful photo's.

Love to the family.
Guest 01-Sep-2008 17:31
Wow, Christine
You capture the moment perfectly.
Very beautiful and inspiring
Ashley Hockenberry04-Sep-2006 03:57

Thanks for your visit. Most of my bear pics were taken northeast of Parry Sound.

Guest 17-May-2006 13:28
Hi Christine: Your Snow and Ice sculptures are astonishing, as are your other galleries. May I give a few of my humble suggestions for your Flower photography. Photograph them in the unform and soft light of a cloudy day. Select the best specimens only and discard the rest. Use a long lens at its widest aperture. Use a tripod and remote shutter release. Please don't mind my suggestions. If you agree to try them, I would like to see the results. Best wishes. JARIS
Maria Read 08-Mar-2006 21:25
Wow, Sue and I are absolutely amazed at the quality of all of the pictures. Very professional. Sure they could win you many a prize.

Sue and Maria
From Chelmsford, England
Lianne 15-Feb-2006 17:01
Wow, Christine!! I'm not kidding!! So many of these look like what I've found on professional photographers' website!!! Perhaps you've found a new career calling?