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16 februari 2007

We had a spectacular sunrise this morning.
Made a quick stop at the park before driving to work.

Canon EOS 30D ,Canon EF 24-105mm f/4L IS USM
1/60s f/5.6 at 35.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Craig Artlett04-Jun-2007 20:44
Stunning colors. Voted!
Arno Meintjes Wildlife20-Feb-2007 15:18
Beautiful. Voted.
Laryl18-Feb-2007 03:08
WOW! love it love it
Fabienne17-Feb-2007 20:22
Une photo d'une grande beauté. J'adore.
Olaf Herrig17-Feb-2007 16:06
A wonderful mood!
pda_pin17-Feb-2007 13:19
Excellent shot!
René Gysi17-Feb-2007 06:59
Wonderful mood.
Simon Chandler17-Feb-2007 03:52
Guest 17-Feb-2007 02:48
Wow..spectacular indeed, GMV!
Guest 17-Feb-2007 02:29
Great capture, love the colors & reflections...
s_barbour17-Feb-2007 02:23
Outstanding capture Chrisse, the colours are truly magnificent! vote~
Sheila17-Feb-2007 01:26
It was stunning! A kalaidoscope of colour!
Dave Wixx16-Feb-2007 23:21
Beautiful colours, lovely silouhettes.
Guest 16-Feb-2007 20:25
Great capture of early morning to work.
Renee Lockett16-Feb-2007 19:10
Wow, Chrisse, this is stunning. Beautiful reflections in the water to match the sky. :) Great shot!
Guest 16-Feb-2007 19:09
Such a beautiful sunset shot,Chrisse.Voted.
Silvia Roitman16-Feb-2007 19:01
nordic16-Feb-2007 18:52
worth the stop off, amazing sunrise...
beverley harrison16-Feb-2007 18:31
beautiful sunset chrisse!!
Guest 16-Feb-2007 18:03
beautiful colour and mood.
Nicki Thurgar16-Feb-2007 17:59
Absolutely gorgeous shot, Chrisse, well captured! ~V~
Rose Atkinson16-Feb-2007 17:48
Wow - this is just stunning !
petesie16-Feb-2007 17:40
So glad for the quick stop, this is beautiful, Chrisse. Wonderful feeling to this image. V
Alejandro16-Feb-2007 17:30
Great picture. Very good composition and colours. Voted