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Chris Utter | profile | all galleries >> Scanned Photos - 13 galleries, 6 subgalleries >> South West, 1968 & 1970-74 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

South West, 1968 & 1970-74

Photographs taken on car camping trips through the American Southwest in 1968, 1970, 1971 and 1974. I used my Rolliflex E3 camera. (I have never seen these pictures in print; I am scanning the orginal 2 1/4" CPS color negative - more will be added later.) The 1970 trip was part of a Gelology class that I took at Foothill College; we hiked down to Phantom Ranch for an overnight stay. On the 1971 and '74 trips I visited ruins in Arizona, Utah and New Mexico as part of my own study of them. I used a Konica camera as well as my Rolli.

Pan added at end of gallery 9/27/2011. ENJOY!
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Campsite, 1974
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