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chris 5th July

Challenge ~ Country... of Count & Countess A

la Creuse

Other country-siders may be found here:

Nikon Coolpix 7900
1/533s f/4.8 at 7.8mm iso50 full exif

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Graham Tomlin08-Jul-2007 19:25
super effect regards Helen
Dave Wixx08-Jul-2007 01:33
Superb building. For some reason the left looks like a face with a beard!
Sheila06-Jul-2007 09:34
Wow. Very stately and beautiful.
Carinoza06-Jul-2007 07:08
Ahhhhh, the French countryside ... brings back a lot of fond memories! :-)
Guest 06-Jul-2007 04:17
Great shot, I love the car tracks lead your eye to the house.
Julie Hatvany06-Jul-2007 02:14
beautiful shot, I like the unbalanced symmetry
debbeeanne06-Jul-2007 01:09
Great interpretation!
CreativeWiseGal06-Jul-2007 00:41
Ah, yes, when your greenery grows up your house, it is indeed the country!
Beautiful place. Beautiful shot.
Coleen Perilloux Landry05-Jul-2007 21:48
Lovely maison!
wernere0105-Jul-2007 21:23
That´s what I call a house in the country!
Nicki Thurgar05-Jul-2007 20:00
What a gorgeous place! And BLUE sky too!!
Johnny JAG05-Jul-2007 18:48
Nice shot, I can hear Blur singing Country House.
Lori Rolfe05-Jul-2007 17:28
lovely all the way around..... V
Linda Matta05-Jul-2007 15:44
Guest 05-Jul-2007 15:12
a majestic mansion, nice to live in ya.
Guest 05-Jul-2007 13:53
Lovely place!
Guest 05-Jul-2007 13:48
I wanna live here!
Carole Stevens05-Jul-2007 13:18
And I thought this was yours, beautiful shot Chris!
Jola Dziubinska05-Jul-2007 12:51
Very nice, indeed.
Rich Westfall05-Jul-2007 12:39
Ah, the country estate. Nice image.
Guest 05-Jul-2007 12:33
Cindi Smith05-Jul-2007 11:02
How wonderful! Pretty cool!
Alida Thorpe05-Jul-2007 10:38
I love that ivy!
laine8205-Jul-2007 09:10
Yours ??? :>) looks delightful, Chris.
Guest 05-Jul-2007 09:05
agree with John Ireland., beautiful.
Yvonne05-Jul-2007 08:48
Wonderful house & gardens Chris!
Barbara Heide05-Jul-2007 08:30
eh oui...très beau pays!
Ann...05-Jul-2007 08:07
Very Des Res. I'd like the room top left please!
j>a>e>17 :):):)05-Jul-2007 08:02
my French Huguenot ancestors wish to grant me this exquisite estate NOW :):):)
beverley harrison05-Jul-2007 06:55
nice take on the challenge chris!!
Luca Zanoni05-Jul-2007 06:18
Maaike Huizer05-Jul-2007 05:52
Beautiful Mansion.
Tim van Woensel05-Jul-2007 05:48
Viva la France!
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