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21st March 2022 chrishadden


Bruay La Buissière

The ruins of the 12th Century Chateau de La Buissière.

For all the Ms in March Please see HERE

LynnH25-Mar-2022 02:01
It looks very French. I love the shape of the tower and the buttresses on the sides. Nicely photographed! V
Mieke WA Minkjan24-Mar-2022 16:03
a great composition and photo V
carol j. phipps23-Mar-2022 16:52
Pleasing composition and interesting site. V
Jola Dziubinska22-Mar-2022 23:29
Fabulous! V.
larose forest photos22-Mar-2022 20:19
So beautiful! Love the age of this building! V
Graeme22-Mar-2022 11:22
An excellent shot of this ruin, shame they have the barriers around it, must be unsafe! V
Liz Bickel22-Mar-2022 07:51
So much history. I agree that this is an impressive ruin.
Very nice perspective and composition.
Dennis Hoyne22-Mar-2022 03:55
The remaining parts look so sturdy, a lovely image.
Mairéad21-Mar-2022 21:32
It's a very interesting building - the round tower looks like one you would find here but without a building attached to it.
Johnny JAG21-Mar-2022 18:34
That's an impressive ruin.
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