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S*Junglespots Ocicats | profile | all galleries >> Våra kullar >> Old litters >> Wilmas kullar >> Wilmas 1:a kull tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Wilmas 1:a kull

Wilmas 1:st litter
Sire: IC FIN*Anórien's Skywise, OCI a24
Dam: CH S*Älebräckes Artemis, OCI b24
In this litter there were 3 girls, 1 tawnyspotted and
3 chocolatespotted.
S*Junglespots Prue Halliwell
S*Junglespots Prue Halliwell
S*Junglespots Piper Halliwell
S*Junglespots Piper Halliwell
PR S*Junglespots Phoebe Halliwell
PR S*Junglespots Phoebe Halliwell
Hela Wilmas kull
Hela Wilmas kull