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S*Junglespots Ocicats | profile | all galleries >> Våra kullar >> Old litters >> Smillas kullar >> Smillas 3'rd litter tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Smillas 3'rd litter

Dam: GIC Hasselidens Silver Amarinte, EXO as 22 62
Sire: S*Funfair's Mastermind, PER d 22
Smillas 3'rd litter with 5 kittens.
2 browntabby EXO boys and 1 bluetabby EXO boy.
1 blacktortie tabby EXO female & 1 bluesilvertortie-
tabby EXO female.
S*Callidoras Noble Pride, EXO n 22, male
S*Callidoras Noble Pride, EXO n 22, male
S*Callidoras Santino, EXO a 22, male
S*Callidoras Santino, EXO a 22, male
S*Callidoras Marwin, EXO n 22, male
S*Callidoras Marwin, EXO n 22, male
S*Callidoras Butterfly Flip, EXO f 22
S*Callidoras Butterfly Flip, EXO f 22
S*Callidoras Seabisquit, EXO gs 22 62
S*Callidoras Seabisquit, EXO gs 22 62
Third litter, mixed pics
Third litter, mixed pics