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S*Junglespots Ocicats | profile | all galleries >> S*Junglespots On Show! :) >> Shows 2005 >> Billdal 17:th April -05 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Billdal 17:th April -05

Billdal 17:th April -05.
S*Junglespots Artiméa & S*Junglespots Prue Halliwell both got Ex1 in the kittenclass :)
S*Junglespots Artiméa, chocolatespotted
S*Junglespots Artiméa, chocolatespotted
Called Rut at home :)
Called Rut at home :)
Rut and her owner Sandra :)
Rut and her owner Sandra :)
Just Rut..
Just Rut..
S*Junglespots Prue Halliwell, tawnyspotted
S*Junglespots Prue Halliwell, tawnyspotted
Just looking around..
Just looking around..
Prue and Ingeborg, her owner :)
Prue and Ingeborg, her owner :)
Prue is called Milla at home
Prue is called Milla at home