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S*Junglespots Ocicats | profile | all galleries >> Våra kullar >> Old litters >> Agnes kullar >> Agnes 1'st litter tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Agnes 1'st litter

Agnes first litter.
Mor: DK*Especially 4 Junglespots of All Times, chocolatesilverspotted
Far: EC S*WaggaWagga's Caruso, chocolatesilverspotted
The result where; 2 chokladsolid males, 1 chokladsolid female &
1 chocolatesilverspotted female.
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S*Junglespots Sambirano
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S*Junglespots Palmira
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S*Junglespots Barettini
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S*Junglespots Valrhona
Agnes kull
Agnes kull