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Rochelle Weiss | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> chicago tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
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The Auditorium
The Auditorium
The Bean and the Moon
The Bean and the Moon
Boats in Chicago Harbor
Boats in Chicago Harbor
Bridge Sculpture
Bridge Sculpture
Buckingham Fountain and Bird
Buckingham Fountain and Bird
Channel Lighthouse
Channel Lighthouse
Chicago Parking Tower
Chicago Parking Tower
Chicago Sun Tribune
Chicago Sun Tribune
Chicago Sun Tribune_BW
Chicago Sun Tribune_BW
Clock Tower in Reflection
Clock Tower in Reflection
Columbia Chicago
Columbia Chicago
Dehler 29
Dehler 29
Dusk in the City
Dusk in the City
Hyatt Regency Chicago
Hyatt Regency Chicago
In the City
In the City
Photographer and Ball
Photographer and Ball
Sailboat and Chicago
Sailboat and Chicago
Row of Sailboats
Row of Sailboats
Sailboat and Harbor Lighthouse
Sailboat and Harbor Lighthouse
Sears Tower Shadow
Sears Tower Shadow
Singing in the Rain
Singing in the Rain
US Cellular Field
US Cellular Field
US Cellular Field at Dusk
US Cellular Field at Dusk
White Sox Bench
White Sox Bench
Windows on Chicago
Windows on Chicago
Hemisphere Park Chicago
Hemisphere Park Chicago