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Clive Moss | profile | all galleries >> Picture A Week >> Picture A Week 3rd Quarter 2004 >> Week 32 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Week 32

I am so worn out editing digital pics from Lithuania that I loaded up my trusty Contax G2 with Fuji Press 400, took my 45mm Planar and 21mm Biogon, and blew a roll around the city of Chicago. Sheer decadence :-)
Art Fair 1 Art Fair 2 900 N Wrigley
AI 1 AI 2 Millenium Park from atop the Borg-Warner Building Millemium Park lawn
People and Skyline 860 - 880 N Lake Shore Drive 21mm is a tad wide for this kind of shot. 2004-08-07_Contax_G2_1577111-R1-071-34webbed.jpg